
Introducing v.1.0.20

Struggling with all those Regulatory and Liquidity reports? Having difficulties managing limits across all your accounts? Then look no further! Tycron TrAX™ v.1.0.20 is here to help! We are excited to present the latest version of our Cash Management Solution, Tycron TrAX™, v1.0.20.Featuring the addition of several new functionalities, v1.0.20 focuses primarily on providing you with a completely revamped Reporting Module, with a high quality and easy to read set of reports, in compliance with international standards (e.g. BASEL III).

Furthermore, with v1.0.20 you will be able to manage SWIFT messages, set and manage accounts limits, among other things.

Hurry and contact us to learn how Tycron TrAX™ Cash Management Solution can help your business, and find out more about our development pipeline!

The Tycron Team